Sunday 6 November 2011

Tar Sands Action: Native Americans to President Obama: Honor Your Word

Native Americans to President Obama: Honor Your Word, Stop the Keystone XL Pipeline 
Photo Christine Irving Tar Sands Action
By Clayton Thomas Muller
Indigenous Environmental Network
Top photo Christine Irving
Posted at Censored News
November 6, 2011
WASHINGTON -- Thousands of citizens from both the United States and Canada representing every background circled the White House today and joined hands to protest the controversial Keystone XL tar sands pipeline. Recently the US State Department signaled that they would not be meeting their self imposed year-end deadline of 2011 to deny or approve the permit of the Transcanada pipeline. President Barack Obama took responsibility for the final decision from Secretary of State Hillary Clinton earlier this week. This came on the heels of the President being confronted at [...]

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