Saturday 22 October 2011

Herman Cain and numerology.

I've already expressed my concerns...
It's not conservative to trash the entire system of funding the federal government and replace it with something concocted more out of numerology than economics.
... but Michelle Cottle really makes the connection:
In Chapter Nine of This Is Herman Cain—entitled "'Forty-Five'—A Special Number," Cain notes that his "conception, gestation, and birth all occurred within" the year 1945 (true of pretty much anyone born in the last three months of that year). He then launches into a detailed account of how "45 keeps on popping up as I go about the business of being elected—you guessed it—as the forty-fifth president of the United States of America."

Meaningful signposts include events both past (in 1945, Reader's Digest published a version of Friedrich von Hayek's The Road to Serfdom, which Cain ran across last year and loved) and future (in 2013, the year the 45th president will take office, Cain and his wife will celebrate their 45th wedding anniversary.)

In some cases the digits 4 and 5 are only part of a figure, like the times when one of Cain's weekly commentaries ran to 645 words or when the final leg of a campaign trip took place on Flight 1045 traveling at 45,000 feet. At times the 45 in question is only tangentially related to Cain, as when he cites a Las Vegas cam [...]

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