Sunday, 23 October 2011

Pyaar Kii Yeh Ek Kahaani 21st October 2011 Written Episode

This is me saying such an encouraging statement, you know the cynical one? WATCH THE EPISODE.
Why you ask? No, not because Maithli is back. Because the story plot is FINALLY getting better. Because for once, they didn't rely melodramatic scenes to pass through.
There was a plot. There was mystery. There was a shocking revelation. And there was a story! So watch it!
And yes, shocking, I know. I'm actually complimenting PKYEK for once in my updates.
ll* Arnav still doesn't trust Abhay. However, is planning on using him as a tool to lead him to the preys.
ll* T is seen keeping Dipu tied. Dipu awakes. T reveals herself as Maithli, telling her story with Abhayindra.
ll* Chand tells Abhay about Haseena being locked up. Abhay plans to attain the map pieces to get the potion.
ll* Pia hears from Misha that Abhay saved her. Pia seeks Haseena, but in vain. She eavesdrops on Chand and Abhay's conversation.
ll* Jay calls for help, seeing that he can't reach Dipu. He snaps at Alina.
Abhay is in the car, just waiting. He imagines Pia sitting in the car. He caresses her face. He asks if she loves him. Pia said that she loves him. He must get the potion and they can be together. Pia disappears. Abhay tells himself to focus.
The doctor talks to Arnav. Arnav still doubts Abhay. He says to the doctor that they cannot trust Abhay. Abhay had lied about the snake bite. The doctor says he should be th [...]

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